Paeonia is its historical name. Alexander the Great, the Greek that became a God, before attacking the Persian Empire to avenge, as he declared, the Persian invasions in Greece, he defeated the Ilyrians and the Paeonians to secure the north front.
After his victory against the ancient enemies, he sent here, the city that I live, Athens, the defeted Persian schilds with the exactly the words wich are Greek (not Slavic) and I understand them: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΟΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ ΠΛΗΝ ΛΑΚΕΔΑΙΜΟΝΙΩΝ ΑΠΟ ΤΩΝ ΒΑΡΒΑΡΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΤΗΝ ΑΣΙΑ ΚΑΤΟΙΚΟΥΝΤΩΝ. Translation: Alexander, son of Philip and all the Greeks except the Spartans (which never followed others in battle thats why they didnt join the campaign), from the barbarians inhabiting Asia.
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Pella archaeological site, Macedonia, Greece (see more at Pella municipality: |
Of course the citicens of the former yugoslavic republic are not Paeonians. They are Slavic Bulgarians, Slavic Serbs, Greeks at the three border cities of Monastiri (Bitola or something like that), Geugeli and Doirani, Romanian speeking Greeks Wallachs (yes from Wallacia in Romania), and a huge Albanian minority at the western part, Tetovo and Skopia.
I present here the genealogy of the Macedonians from an earlien work I did many years ago:
The Genealogy of Macedonians
1.Macedon son of Zeus and Thias daughter of Deukalion was the founder of Macedonia(Stef.Byzantios about "Macedonia") 2. Karanos (8ος century b.c). Founder of the first Macedonian state acording to Theopombos and Diodoros. His capital was Aiges. He was descendent from Timenos great grandson of Hercules King of Argos that moved from Argos and occupied the todays west Macedonian territory founding the Macedonian dynasty. His descendents weree Kinos and Thourimas. His dynasty rulled Macedonia for 72 years. According to other historians founder of the royal house of Macedonia was Perdikas also descendent from Timenos and the Argos royal family(Herodotus Η 137, Thoukidides ΙΙ 99, V 80) or Argeadas that also came from Argos. So we see that all ancient historians agree that the first Macedonians came from Argos in the 8th century b.c and descendent from Hercules, the greatest and most well kniw of all Greek heroes and that is the most logical explanation why Macedonians has leader like Philip II and Alexander the Great . The Argeades dynasty
First historical era
Second historical era
Third historical era
Antigonides dynasty
Greek statial excistance continued in Asia and Africa until the Romans conquered Aigypt (30 b.c), the last free Greek state and the last Greek Queen from the Macedonian house Queen Kleopatra commited suiside to avoid enslavement.ground... |
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The ancient Greek theater of Philipi, Macedonia, Greece. The key stone put by King Philip B' see more at: |
As Greeks we sympathize these people, the excistance of this country would assist to piece and stability at the Balkans, we are the number one investors saving their economy, BUT WE DONT SELL OUR HISTORY, OUR ANSESTORS, OUR NAME, OUR LANGUAGE WE SPEAK FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, THE BLOOD THAT RUNS IN OUR VEINS!
Macedonian history
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George Papasimakis |
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